ASL is pleased to announce that the Group Travel Organisers Association (GTOA) has recently joined the Administration Services Limited (ASL) team, using ASL for the provision of secretariat services.
(Edit: GTOA have recently rebranded with new name and logo – Association of Group Travel Organisers (AGTO)).
The GTOA’s aims are to enhance the status and professionalism of group travel organisers and the importance of their contribution to the travel and leisure industry as in addition to encouraging a network of group travel organisers to work together for mutual benefit. The first branch (Northern Branch) officially formed in 1991 with the success spreading and other branches forming to all ends of the country.
In addition to the many members within each region, the wide range of Associate members means that there is a variety of professional venues/services looking to offer a first rate experience for groups. Our group organisers can rest assured that their needs will not only be met, but exceed their expectations!
Whilst the agreement of services has been in place for some time now, ASL will have to hit the ground running as it will not be too long before the renewal period for the GTOA begins and the provision of services and collection of subscriptions begins in earnest. One of GTOA’s largest events, the GTOA Showcase, is also due to run a little later in the year – organising Group Travel for a large number of Group Travel Organisers will surely be a test of ASL’s skills!
The GTOA annual Showcase Weekend is welcomed not only as a great opportunity to get a taster of what is on offer through Familiarisation trips, but also to meet and socialise with industry colleagues from the whole membership base. The upcoming showcase includes a tour of the ship ‘Boudicca’.
ASL’s Charlotte Harmer states, “Having met members of the GTOA board and some of the Southern Branch members already, I can say that I am looking forward to working with the association and picking up the associations activities. The company service offering looks interesting and I look forward to meeting the new challenges and activities head-on”
For more information about GTOA, please visit